Courses and talks

I offer a variety of occasional workshops and talks on photographic subjects. I am based in West Cork, but can travel if required.
FUN WITH PHOTOSHOP: editing your digital photographs

Would you like to improve your family snaps, or create funky photographic artwork? This course will introduce you to a wide range of basic digital editing techniques using Photoshop and similar programs.

This is a weekend workshop consisting of six 1½-2 hour sessions. The course is based on Photoshop Elements™, but the topics covered are relevant to Photoshop and to other editing programs. You do not need to have any experience of digital editing, but you should already have basic computing skills—opening and saving files, transferring files from camera (or card) to computer, opening programs, using menus, keyboard, and mouse.
The course costs €500 per group of up to six persons, plus my expenses (travelling, printing).

TALKS include 'The Camera Always Lies', 'A Short History of Photojournalism', 'From Holiday Snaps to Travel Photography', and others; prices vary but start at €50 plus expenses.

If you are interested in any of these, email me here at Errisbeg, or see the ‘Contact us’ page.